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Traditional italian hand-made

scalpelli e sgorbie da scultura su pietra


Our work group started this adventure in Artisan Workshops several years ago. Here we learn the classical craft of dealing with sculpturing and mastering such an ancient material as the Vicenza Stone. All our stone objects are sculptured by hand in front of a model and therefore can be considered as original pieces, any of our objects is sculptured with artisan care and patience, so every shape effects by the hand that sculptures it and gives it the uniqueness. So every our handmade is complete of Certificate of Authenticity Stonebreakers, with the signature of the author, date of execution and the progressive number of the work. The instinctive search for new shapes and designs applies the deep meaning of sculpture to the creation of useful objects. With respect to this, the artist can express himself freely and extensively getting inspiration both from the classical tradition and the modern design.

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The Vicenza stone


The Material is called Nanto or Vicenza Stone and it has always been one of the most used stone in Veneto Villas and Garden; one of the greatest exponent of the use of Vicenza Stone has been the famous architect Andrea Palladio. Thi material is mined from quarries in the Berici hills near Vicenza, so as not to spoil the hilly scemery of our landascape, being a sedimentary stone, it is characterized by the presence of fossils, shells and spots of oxides which are not to be considered as lessening its valve or beauty but as somothing which makes evident and enhance its naturalness and materiality. The Vicenza Stone, like all sedimentary stone is suitable for sculptures and benefits from a na tural hardening process with time.
It was used by the major sculptors and architects of Renaissance and of all the ‘600, from Palladio to Falconetto, from Sanmicheli to Sansovino.